δέκα(ten) κεφάλαιο:- Rejuvenation
Dr. Karansky who was 90 years old man had surprising mental and physical flexibility. He describes himself as lifelong self-educator. As a dilettantism, he tends to get interested in a period, for whatever reason until he feels he has learned enough, then he move on to something else. These keeps the regulatory system for plasticity and dopamine from atrophying. His philosophical attitude also protects his brain because he doesn't get worked up about little things. "I understand what random events are. There are many things that go on that can affect me that are beyond my control. I can't control the, only how I react to them. I've spent my time worrying about things I can control and can affect the outcome of".
The brain can regenerate with neuronal stem cells. The process called neurogenesis. Living neurons form in us until the very end of our lives. In an experiment, the mice in enriched environments, filled with toys and exercises equipments had increase in the volume of brain and neurons. Paradoxically, sometimes losing neurons can improve brain function. Keeping unused neurons supplied with blood, oxygen, and energy is wasteful, and getting rid of them keeps the brain more focused and efficient.
Every organ gradually deteriorates. However, the brain still undergoes massive plastic reorganisation, possibly to adjust for the brain's losses. Here is an example. Subjects around 14 to 30 years did a variety of cognitive tests, brain scans showed that they performed them largely in their temporal lobes, and the more educated they were, the more they used these lobes. Subjects over 65 years had a different pattern. Brain scans showed that they performed these same cognitive tasks largely in their frontal lobes, and again, the more education they'd had, the more they used the frontal lobes. The shift demonstrated the sign of plasticity. It is a large "migration" as a function can make.
Normally, brain activities are "lateralised". The left and right hemispheres control different functions and processes, creating a phenomenon called "hemispheric asymmetry". But when we aged, some lateralisation is lost so prefrontal activities that took place in one hemisphere now take place in both. This can be guessed that one of our hemispheres starts to become less effective, the other hemisphere compensates.
Preventing Alzheimer's disease, physical and mental exercises are necessary, especially those required genuine concentration, not low intense(leisure) activities. Physical activity is helpful not only because it creates new neurons but because the mind is based in the brain and the brain needs oxygen.
When Pablo Casals, the cellist, was 91 years old, he was approached by a student who asked, "Master, why do you continue to practice?" Casals replied,"Because I am making progress."
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