No. 4our: Love & Sex
What determine our sexuality, "appetite" and "taste"? The brain.
Human has a critical period for the sexual plasticity(before puberty). The sexual acts, sexual excitement and satisfaction area, people we attracted to are vary from person to person. However, the types change through phases and experiences. Sexual preference can occasional switch or "add-on".
Given that sexuality is an instinct.
Instinct = hereditary behavior, hardwired purpose such as survival. Only sexuality can be so satisfy without accomplishing its biological purpose(masturbating, various perversions) and is so disconnected from its purpose.
Love too is remarkably flexible from arranged marriage(practical purpose) to romantic love. Romance become the main street due to the democratic ideals of individualism. There are exceptions but if problematic get wired into our childhood and repeated in adulthood. Traces of childhood sentiments in adult love and sexuality are detectable in everyday behaviors. "baby", "sweetie", "darling", "dirty-talk".
Sexual taste is obviously influenced by culture and experience. Acquired defined as learn. People learn to like the odor of cheeses, wines, coffee, and hint of urine. In Elizabethan times lovers were so enamored of each others body odors. Nowadays, we use perfumes to hide or delight our smells.
The content of pornography is a dynamic phenomenon. "hardcore" used to be displaying sexual intercourse between two partners. Now, "hardcore" is referred to sadomasochistic, bondage, gang-bang, etc. Unfortunately, people build up tolerance to the porno after sometimes, like drug addict. So, the pornographers has to keep introducing a stronger theme, pushing the limit to the edge just to satisfy their customers.
Amount of dopamine secretion determines how addictive of a drug. Dopamine is released when we accomplish or win. But those drugs hijack the dopamine system, the brain release dopamine without our having to work for it. Dopamine also stimulates plastic change. They are released in sexual excitement, increasing the sex drive, facilitating orgasm.
For lovers, their brains are full of dopamine and look like people on cocaine under fMRI. When the lovers seperated, they become sad, down, tired because of the dopamine concentration is low. Tolerance also exists in romance. Like all drug, brain will develop tolerance towards dopamine. Oxytocin is essential for successful relationship and building family. It is a commitment neuromodulator, reinforcing bonding in mammals. It induces a calm and warm mood. Oxytocin makes people to trust someone more as a child attaching to the mother.
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